The Christmas Eve service is quickly approaching and there is a kids music practice for it next week, Tuesday, December 17th at 7:15 PM. Keep reading below for the details.
This year our Nursery & Sunday School kids will once again be singing in the Christmas Eve service (taking place Tuesday, December 24, at 6 PM)
The kids have already started listening to the songs and practicing them during the Sunday morning Nursery & Sunday School time, but there is also one extra practice coming soon.
In order to prepare for the Christmas Eve service, Nursery & Sunday School aged kids will be joining the Christmas Eve practice happening on Tuesday, Dec. 17th at 7:15 PM.
(the kids will only be needed for roughly the first 30 minutes of the practice, or until approximately 7:45 PM)
PARENTS, if possible, please try to have your kid(s) join us for this special practice time.
Also, you can be listening to the songs at home to help your kids prepare for singing by clicking on the link below
If you have any questions, please talk to Pastor Russ or Tawnya.