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Missions Report June 2022

The Missions team had an enjoyable and exciting quarter. We meet biweekly online on Tuesday evenings, and seek God to guide us how to serve Him and our community.

  • In March we welcomed Steve Blackmur to join the team.

  • Our own Fiona Donovan has been accepted by a like-minded organization to move to SE Asia to teach English to University students. She is hoping to serve in our Father's harvest for the next 8 years. We have added a line item to our budget showing our support for her.

  • Please read and be encouraged by reports of gratitude for our prayer and financial support of the Narrow Road Home, Camp Caroline and Alberta Baptist Association on the SCCC website.

  • April 30th we launched the Bags of Hope Cedarbrae outreach. Thank you to all those who donated funds, assembled and distributed approximately 1500 gift bags on doorknobs in Cedarbrae. Approximately 100 bags are leftover due to For Sale signs, uninviting signage, blocked access, mistaken routes.

  • A team of people led by Derik has been knocking on doors to have follow up dialogue with our Cedarbrae neighbours. Eight out of 30 of the routes have been covered with approximately 40% of people found not to be at home. The responses have been encouraging and the neighbours closest to the church have been the most receptive!

The Missions team would like to encourage you all to watch for new people entering our church and to engage in conversation so that they feel noticed and welcomed. We are praying that this work for God’s kingdom will be transforming for Cedarbrae and our church. This is the beginning of possibly years of work, so we ask for your continued prayer and big hearts for new comers!

If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact any team member or email

Missions Team

Sarah, Mike, Derik, Steve

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