The Nursery and Sunday School are looking for a couple summer helpers who are willing to serve in July & August.

Are you able to volunteer in the Nursery or Sunday school this summer?
If so, then we want to talk to you!
During the summer months specifically, some of our regular Nursery & Sunday School helpers are away for periods of time, which means we could use some extra help with our kids.
What does serving in these areas look like?
Serving in the Nursery is pretty simple: play, hang out, and read stories with our littlest kids (0-4 years old) during the Sunday morning service.
In the Sunday School we play games, memorize verses, and teach Bible lessons for our older kids (K-Gr. 6)
Even if you are available to help out for 1 or 2 Sundays during the summer months, that can make a huge difference.
We want to love our kids & teach them about Jesus, and if this is something you also want to see in our church, then talk to Nicole (Nursery) or Pastor Russ (Sunday School) after a service or through email at