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A Mother's Day Project

Writer's picture: Tawnya HonsTawnya Hons

In preparation for Mother's Day we have an invitation for all ages and stages at our church. You are invited to practice three songs (song link below) to sing along with the Sunday School children that day. The children will be practicing the next few Sundays and at home, not in order to make a presentation, but to be prepared to participate well and lend their voices to leading the congregation. I hope you would do the same.

Excerpt from "Sing! How Worship Transforms Your Life, Family and Church" (pages 65-66)

"Always remember when you sing at church, your children (and everyone else's around you) can see you and are watching. Children also need to see other parents, and kids older than them singing, so that they see it is not a "childish" thing to do, and neither is it just some strange trait that only your family does! Sit somewhere in your church building where your kids are surrounded by strong singing. Use the songs of the church to help strengthen their vocal muscles and by extension their faith muscles too. Grow the love for hearing and joining the voice of the congregation, so much so that church would be strange to them if they didn't hear that sound. They should come to church expecting to sing."

We all play a role in the church, the body of Christ. You have been called to this body and are being invited every week to serve by lending your voice to sing. In doing this we praise God together and proclaim the gospel to ourselves and to each other. This role doesn't start at a certain age or with a certain level of vocal skill. It starts the moment you join in the congregation, it is a vital part of being a church member.

It is with this in mind that we have invited the Sunday School Ministry to practice three songs and come up on stage on Mother's Day to sing. This is not a concert that the children are preparing for the congregation to watch. This is an opportunity for the children to be surrounded and supported by the congregation and encouraged in growing up to be people who love to sing and participate in church.

You play an active role in this service, and every service you attend. Here are a few ways you can engage on May 12:

  1. If you have children in your home take time to sing the songs in the link below each day as a family.

  2. If you have grandchildren that you bring to church or live with you, please take the opportunity to sing with them whenever possible.

  3. If you do not have children at your home, please sing these songs so that you know them and can sing with joy and confidence.

The songs we have chosen are Jesus Loves Me; There Is A Name I Love to Hear; and I Am Not My Own. They sing of God's love for us, our love for him and where our identity can be found. What better joy for a mother than to sing with her children about these things! What better joy for the children of God to sing to their Father of these things! Please join the chorus.


If you would like music lyrics or sheet music to use in this project please talk to Tawnya.

YouTube song links are provided on the online service page every week for use in preparing for the service or learning a song after the service

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