School is almost over for another year, which means summer break is quickly approaching and this summer we have something special planned for your kids.

Mark this on your calendar: Thursday, July 6th. from 10:30AM to 3:30PM.
What is happening on this date?
We are planning a special day for kids at the church.
Who is this for?
We are preparing 'Kids Day' mainly for the families of South Calgary, however feel free to invite your friends and neighbours.
What age group of kids is this for?
It is aimed at kids from about preschool age-Gr.6
Will this be an ALL day event?
Not quite. Right now we are planning it to be from 10:30am-3:30pm
Is this a come and go or come and stay kind of thing?
It is a come and stay kind of thing, as there are different activities planned for the day.
Do I have to stay with my kids or can I just drop them off?
Excellent question. You are free to simply drop your kids off at 10:30am and then come back to pick them up at 3:30pm. HOWEVER, parents are welcome to stick around if they want.
So what exactly will happen on Kid's Day?
This is a rough schedule of the day:
From about 10:30-Noon we will play games together in the church.
Around Noon we will have a lunch break (yes, lunch is included). Also during this time we will have a short Bible story.
After lunch we will go outside (pray for good weather!) for some games & activities near the Nagel house until about 3pm.
The day will end back inside the church with a snack (maybe dessert is more accurate) and then it will be time for pick up!
Stay tuned for more information regarding cost and registration.
If you have any questions OR would like to help out with this (yes, help is needed) please talk to me or email me at